Award-winning restaurant at Hotel Hirschen in Bregenzerwald in Vorarlberg

Hirschen Restaurant

Opening hours & Menus

Opening hours & Menus

Opening hours & Menus

Wine at Hirschen

Wine at Hirschen

Wine at Hirschen

Restaurant FAQ

Restaurant FAQ

Restaurant FAQ

When’s What Happening?

When’s What Happening?

When’s What Happening?

The Blurb

  • Food: Thank you, Gault Millau, for three toques (15/20). Then, cheese dumplings (Kässpätzle) are always an option.

  • Drinks: Raisin thinks we’re cool. We do also like the classics.

  • Style: One can feel free to get extravagant here – or not to.

  • Atmosphere: Perhaps the most beautiful restaurant on the planet.

For those who love to read and crave the full scoop.

For those who love to read and crave the full scoop.

For those who love to read and crave the full scoop.

«At the end of the day, it’s all about the people», Peter always insists. Fine hotels bring characters together. And what better way to unite than over exquisite cuisine and delightful drinks?

Fermentation is the cornerstone of our flavors. Discover the captivating results of applying age-old techniques to local ingredients.

Still Life of the Handcrafted.

Captured by Cornelius Klimt.

Head Chefs: Jonathan Burger, Raphaela Wirrer
Sous Chef: Thomas Michler

Head of Service: Niko Birgenstock
Assistant Head of Service: Alessa Thurnwalder
Sommelier: Marco Mascanzoni

Maître d’Hotel: Pia Fetz
Sometimes present as the host: Peter Fetz

Meet the entire team

Head Chefs: Jonathan Burger, Raphaela Wirrer
Sous Chef: Thomas Michler

Head of Service: Niko Birgenstock
Assistant Head of Service: Alessa Thurnwalder
Sommelier: Marco Mascanzoni

Maître d’Hotel: Pia Fetz
Sometimes as the host: Peter Fetz

Meet the entire team

Patisserie by Raphaela Wirrer, Grand Master of her craft

Patisserie by Raphaela Wirrer, Grand Master of her craft

Patisserie by Raphaela Wirrer, Grand Master of her craft

We appreciate wine with minimal intervention and abundant character. However, classics don’t roll off us like water off a duck’s back, either.

Wine at Hirschen

Wine at Hirschen

Wine at Hirschen

The Bregenzerwald and Vorarlberg offer us a surprisingly wide variety of excellent base products.

Table Service Breakfast

Table Service Breakfast

Table Service Breakfast

For us, it’s the best way to start a day. À la carte breakfast. No jostling at the buffet. Everything freshly prepared in a daily rotating selection, which is served with a smile.

The grand hall in Hirschen has witnessed much over the years. Its exact origins remain a mystery, though it underwent a splendid expansion around 1900. With a subtle touch-up in 2018, the hall now stands as perhaps one of the most captivating dining spaces globally (or so we’d like to think).